The Elhée feeding bottle is eco-designed and manufactured in the Rhône-Alpes region with the highest standards of respect for infants and young children.
Concerned about the environmental and social footprint, Élhée has chosen a sustainable approach that intervenes at each stage: production, design, assembly and finally shipping. The traceability of materials is guaranteed: innovative medical silicone, FSC-certified paper, vegetable-based ink...
The stages of assembly, packaging and logistics of BibRond Élhée are entrusted to a company employing disabled people (ESAT) in the Drôme.
From the mother's womb to the breast, through the round of arms that embrace her: the newborn's eye captures a subtly blurred universe, made up of familiar full and loose lines. To respect the preciousness of this very first view, Élhée imagines an aerial design, the antithesis of classic cylindrical baby bottles.
Of all the materials, silicone is Elhée's favorite! In order to ensure absolute safety for its little users, Élhée has developed a unique and revolutionary closing system that guarantees that the milk and its nutrients do not come into contact with materials other than those of the bottle or the silicone teat.
Elhée quickly abandoned the materials traditionally used by the baby bottle industry and turned to a medical grade silicone, selected with the highest degree of rigor. This new material, non-allergenic and perfectly adapted to food contact, is free of chemical substances likely to harm the health of infants and young children. Made of soft and extra-soft silicone, with a physiological shape, the Elhée teat has been developed to offer sensations close to the mother's breast. Equipped with an anti-colic system, it is designed to reduce the absorption of air by the baby and thus facilitate its digestion.