Baby Carriers
Babywearing newborns (especially skin-to-skin) helps them regulate body temp, stimulate bonding hormones and encourages breastfeeding. The added bonus being that when our babies are wrapped on our bodies, unwanted interactions from strangers are minimized or downright eliminated.
A Baby Carrier helps us keep up with work and life. Anything you can safely do while holding your baby in your arms can also be done while wearing them on your body.
When we wear our babies, we tend to narrate what we're doing and talk to them constantly. We sing, ask them questions, list off the ingredients we need for dinner -- they love to hear our voice, plus this helps them develop language and social skills. Babywearing is also a good practice for peace of mind. We always know they are safe because we can feel, hear, see and sense them on our body.
A Baby Carrier helps us keep up with work and life. Anything you can safely do while holding your baby in your arms can also be done while wearing them on your body.
When we wear our babies, we tend to narrate what we're doing and talk to them constantly. We sing, ask them questions, list off the ingredients we need for dinner -- they love to hear our voice, plus this helps them develop language and social skills. Babywearing is also a good practice for peace of mind. We always know they are safe because we can feel, hear, see and sense them on our body.